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The Goddess Of Second Chances


The first book in the Goddess series. It is a coming of age story of a young transgender girl.


Road to Divinity

The next book in the series is coming out soon!

This cover is lovely and cool, right? This is what I actually look like! I wonder where my journey will take me? Maybe I will get some magical powers and meet some hot guys (not hot as in the underworld type). I think it follows my journey thru Mexico to find my loves Selma and Ishmael and the Queen of Heaven. We all saw her in a vision when we were having a picnic in the hills... might have been the wine. She's supposed to be hanging around some Teotihuacan pyramid with the souvenir vendors near Mexico city. I'll find them all, and then we'll save the world! or something...


The Handmaiden of the Goddess


In the third book of the series, Goddesses Transgender son Jesua takes a road trip to find the opening of the 3rd world to save this world from another tedious pandemic; and more importantly to win the love of an impetuous woman! OMG, you should see the cover! Painted by a young Hopi girl... really! 



The Handmaiden's sister


Jesua's sister has quite an adventure too collecting mushrooms! Meet talking birds, visit the Vatican, re-step Hannibal's journey through the Alps! Perhaps a bit of chardonnay with an alien along the way?

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